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Slack Integration
Noa Lembersky avatar
Written by Noa Lembersky
Updated over 5 months ago

In this article, you will learn how to connect Slack to Forwrd and how to use it as a source.

What you need to get started:

  • A account

  • A Slack Workspace account - (you will need to have permission and availability for app integration on your Slack Workspace plan. Troubleshooting for instances you don't have either permission or availability- at the end of this article).

Setting up the integration

  1. In the Forwrd app choose 'Sources' and click NEW.

  2. Scroll down and click the SLACK icon.

  3. The integration window will open, Click NEXT.

  4. A window will pop on screen. There are 3 options:

    1. If you receive this message - wonderful. Click 'Allow' and you will be able to see the 'Slack Integration' as a source on your dashboard.

      Slack Yes.png

    2. If you receive this message - You can't proceed until you receive permission from your app manager. Send a request message through the same window, write the request, and press 'Submit'. After receiving permission try again by following all the steps from the beginning.

      Slack asking permission.png
    3. If you receive this message - You've reached the limit on your Slack free plan. either remove an existing app or upgrade your app, then try again by following all the steps from the beginning.

Slack error.png

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